Friday, September 7, 2012

I Have Finally Arrived

This entry may read a little like a Journal, but that was due to the way that I wrote it in my sticky notes. My Microsoft Word is not working properly, so I had to opt for another option. This is all over the course of a week.

Tuesday, August 28th, 2012
Chicago, IL, USA

Today's the day, the day that I take off from Chicago and travel half way across the world. Yes, I am scared, I've never been that far away from home before. I've never left the country and now, I'm breaking away and leaving for a land that looks beautiful, at least from the photo's I've seen and from witness accounts. I'm leaving behind my friends, my family, my cat and my school. This is my chance to grow up and to become the woman I am destined to be and I have a feeling that might lead to a life long love of travel, providing that I survive the next twenty hours and three plane rides that lead to my first destination.

Thursday, August 30th, 2012
Cairns, Queensland, Australia

One cannot say that it was easy for me to be here, sitting on the balcony of Gilligan's Hostile on Grafton St. Cairns, Queensland. I can admit to having my doubts about what I was to expect, and I'm very glad that I did not trust those doubts, taking a chance to live my life. This is the first part of my study abroad experience for Australia. It took a lot of effort to get here and a few favors from friends, but in the end, it was worth all that it took to get here. I want to thank everyone who helped me get here, for if it wasn't for you I would not be sitting here, drinking my tea and listening to the soulful sounds of... Maroon 5. Not by choice, mind you, but by the choice of the fellow Americans two balconies over. They are a part of my group, a nice group of kids and they are very nice.

Let me start by saying that the flight... or rather flights... here were long, tiring, and full of excitingment and anticipation. I flew out of Chicago and in Los Angeles, then from Los Angeles  into Brisbane and then Brisbane to Cairns. Let's just say that the one that led to me fidgeting was the last flight. I was tired of being couped up and of sitting. Twenty hours on a plane will do that to a person, I suppose.

The day was magnicent, I loved every moment of the first day here. It was simply a check in, go over the rules, how to survive and a nice dinner at a place called Dundees. If you ever eat there, get the fish and chips, they are amazing. Also, the view from the restaurant was amazing. Thus far, my honeymoon period is going splendedly, I just fear for the day when that is gone and I must come down from cloud nine. For now, I'll enjoy my happiness.

The view from my balcony at Gilligans. The sky was beautiful that night.

Friday, August 31, 2012
Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Today we went to the RainForeStation Nature Park, which was an awesome trip. We did aboriginal dot paintings and we were able to hold a Koala Bear, even if it was just for a short time. We then took a short tour of the other animals and there were many of them. There was a wallaby that was just wondering around the grounds and there was a bird that just thought he was the king of the park. He, for lack of a better word, was a camera whore. I'm not going to lie though, he was adorable. Then there were the Kangaroo's! They were so sweet, except for the one that growled at everyone, but other than that, they were very people friendly. We were allowed to feed them and pet them.

Me with the Koala! I think we both had things pretty figured out in life that day.

He struck a pose for me, he very much liked the camera!

This was just plain adorable! 
We then were able to watch and aboriginal dance, which was pretty amazing. I was reminded of the Native American Pow Wow's that I attended as a child and I can see the connection between the two vastly different and yet similar sets of Natives.

Saturday, September 1, 2012
Great Barrier Reef, Cairns, Australia

The Reef was amazing, the boat ride out to the reef, not so much. We boarded the Catamaran that was to take us out to the Reef and everything was perfectly fine. I went out on the front of the boat and struck up a conversation with a man named Jim, and we talked about the US elections, the reef, and how wonderful Australia was. He was very nice, he even offered to help me out with the snorkelling if I chose to join everyone out on the reef. The crew then called all those that would Snorkel into the room on the boat so that we could be briefed on what we would need to do. Not too long after that, I was sitting there and started to feel sick. I rose from my seat and sprinted to get out of there and get to the side of the boat. In my mind, I thought going to the nonwindy side would be the best option. Bad. Idea. I never made it to the stairs to get out of the room, and I collapsed on the floor, sicker than a dog. The crew was very nice about it, cleaned up the mess and made sure that I was alright. Of course I was the one that they would all remember the rest of the day. In the end, however, I managed to keep from getting sick the rest of the day because I stayed outside. Even when on the way back and the waves became choppy, I stayed out there. I felt that this would be best for everyone.

The Reef was beautiful, as was the Kay that we stopped at and many of us got off and walked the nearly white sand beach. I even swam in the beautiful clear water and saw some white fish that swam right up to me. They were beautiful. I think that is the best word to describe the scene. Beautiful.

Part of the Kay that we stopped at for a short time.

A school of fish that came up beside the boat! 

Sunday, September 2, 2012
Cairns, Australia

Today was just a day to relax and roam around town. I chose to stay in my room for most of it due to being exhausted. I did, however, run out to the store with a couple of friends to get a cake and some cookies for one of the girls birthdays in the group. We had dinner at this place called "Cafe China" and this was inside a Casino that was near where we were staying. The food there was fantastic, I tried a little bit of everything that was served. I especially liked the BBQ Pork and the General Tsao/Sweet and Sour chicken they served. Afterwards, I went to one of the night markets with one of the girls in my group. I bought some post cards, which I'll be sending out soon, two bracelets and and anklet. The night market was pretty cool and from the travel guides I had read, highly recommended for bargains. There were many bargains, and I hope to find one near Bond University.

The anklet I bought.

The bracelets I bought.

Monday, September 3, 2012
Robina, Gold Coast, Australia

Today was move in day at Bond University. We all woke up early and left on a plane from Cairns to Brisbane, where we were separated into groups and boarded vans that were destined for the university. Moving in was painless, but I found out quickly how beautiful my campus was. From my understanding, Google Earth did not give the campus justice. I wouldn't know though, I never Googled the school for images, I wanted to be surprised when arrived. There are plenty of hills and I just so happen have to go over one every single day in order to get to where I need to be, which is perfectly fine by me. The reason is, I get some exercise and stronger legs. I also intend on going to the gym, since I found out that this is now included in our student fees.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I'm sorry to say this so bluntly, but, Americans are assholes. No, not all Americans, but many of them are. I was very appalled to see, hear and be victim to this sort of behaviour. I was sitting in the Brassiarie (that could be spelled wrong, most students just call it the Bra, and I'm eating my soup, which was yummy by the way, and these American students were sitting at the table in front of me. I could hear them talking, and they were making comments about how I was too fat to be eating and that I shouldn't be allowed to have food at all. Never mind the fact that they were turning, looking at me and laughing at me. I was extremely appalled and embarrassed. I was embarrassed not only because of what they were saying about me, but I was embarrassed to be an American student and seeing how they were portraying our own country. What if I had been an Australian student? That was enough to out a bad taste in my mouth. I just could not believe that they would do something so incredibly rude.

I thankfully was able to get over within a few hours, and I met a couple of awesome Australian girls who said not to let it get to me and to just go with the flow. They even told me that if I needed anything I could just ask them. I would like to get to know them better and hope that we can at least become friends, even if it was just for the semester.

My goal right now is to not only do well in my studies, but also to make friends. Building my network outside that of the US is very important to me, especially since I love the international community so much. International relations is quite interesting, or at least on the level that I have viewed it the last view days.

My first impressions thus far are that Australian people are very nice, the country is beautiful and everything is very expensive. Then again, on that last bit, Australia is one of the three most expensive countries in the world. The other two just happen to be Japan and Switzerland, but I hear that Angola is right up there, too.

I think for my next blog post I will make a list of things to see or do in the Gold Coast, or maybe things that you should do if you're studying abroad. Maybe I'll do both! We'll see!

Until next time, safe travels.